We residents of New Jersey are certainly aware of flooding this week. The nor’easter this past weekend was a dangerous time in New Jersey that caused a lot of flooding throughout the state. If you didn’t have flood insurance coverage in place, you were out of luck.
Here are some things you can do to increase your flood awareness during National Flood Safety Awareness Week:
- Visit our blog post explaining how buying flood insurance will help protect your home.
- Visit FloodSmart.gov
- Visit our website at www.hdyoung.com
To obtain information about your flood risk and steps you can take to lessen the impact of flooding, visit our web site at www.hdyoung.com, or give us a call at 856-935-0845. You can also find us on Facebook.
Henry D Young Inc is a TrustedChoice® Insurance Agency.
The information in this article is meant as a guideline only. There is nothing in this article that alters the coverage or interpretation of any specific policy. Because some statements are generalizations, and because different companies’ policies contain slight differences, please refer to your specific policy. Call our office before making any judgements or decisions concerning your particular situation and coverage that may, or may not, apply.